August 6, 2018

Break Down to Build Up

Brent Hardy

       Muscle development and strength comes through protein synthesis. As you train your proteins breakdown and buildup. These happens when you take time off (a deload week) from training. Our bodies are meant to break down, but to be built back up stronger than they were before.

        Brokenness is something we all deal with. It brings us to a moment of hopelessness, defeat, agony, and despair. It can be from losing a job, a relationship, losing a loved one, or tragedy. Within all the broken there lies beauty, because in the cracks of our souls Christ can fill them. The beauty of brokenness is we are built back up through Jesus himself. That is why there is beauty because we need Jesus to intervene. Only He can reach down into those cracks to fill you up. Picture one of those ant farms. There are many cracks for the ants to walk around in. If you were to take the ants out and fill it up with sand or water those cracks will fill, but nothing else could fill the ant farm. You can not replace the cracks with any other objects because they can not reach that far in. Most objects we use only reach superficially, when we need spiritually healing. Jesus is about your wholeness and oneness with Him. These broken moments will build you up stronger than before.

Fitness = physically breaks down the body to build physical strength, endurance, and capacity.

Faith = physically breaks down the conscience mind and spirit to build spiritual strength, endurance, capacity, mental toughness, and ultimately trust.

Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT

       When you are face to face with brokenness or weak moments. Face it and say “Yes, I am down, but I am not out and this will not last forever.  I will stand back up cause I am being built back up!” And if it is difficult to say that to yourself, then pray over it and trust it. Pray for strength and know that God is right there with you and knows the best path for your life.

  •    Beauty in the Broken    
  •    When broken seek wisdom by seeking God    


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Brokenness is an opportunity to become stronger than we were before. Each time we break down we will build back up.

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